Comtech EF Data DM240XR User Manual
Page 31

DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator
User Interfaces
MN-DM240XR– Revision 13
signal. The calibration output bandwidth is set by the symbol
rate currently programmed into the DM240XR Modulator.
During calibration, the AutoEQ™ will compute the coefficient
values required to successful equalize the group delay and
amplitude of the satellite link over the programmed symbol rate.
During this process, the MSE can be monitored reflecting the
calibration process. Upon successful completion of the
calibration, the EQ CAL will revert to the “Normal” state, and
the event logof the DM240XR will reflect “AutoEQ™ CAL
(EQ CAL: Cont)
REF ACQ: Although default reference files are provided, the
operator may wish to acquire the best possible reference from
their modulator. A mechanism to accomplish this is allowed by
REF ACQ, this overwrites the stored default and replaces it with
a new reference. Prior to entering this state, the L-Band output
of the DM240XR (J11) must be connected to the AutoEQ™
RXRF Input (J12) as shown in Appendix D. The DM240XR
Output power should be set to -20 dBm, and a 20 dB in line
attenuator should be used. The Modulator output frequency
should be set to set to the corresponding AutoEQ™ RXRF Input
Frequency. When properly connected and in this state, the
AutoEQ™ will program the DM240XR modulated output for the
AutoEQ™ calibration signal. The calibration output bandwidth
is set by the symbol rate currently programmed into the
DM240XR Modulator. During reference calibration, the
AutoEQ™ will obtain receive lock and establish the baseline
coefficients for internal reference. References are captured for
each modulator roll-off and oversample rate. During this
process, the MSE can be monitored reflecting the Reference
Acquisition process. Upon successful completion of the
Reference Acquisition, the REF ACQ will revert to the
“Normal” state, and the event log of the DM240XR will reflect
RESTORE EQ CAL: {Filename}
Allows the selected Calibration coefficient file to be Restored.
Allows the Calibration coefficient file to be renamed using
Alpha-numeric characters.
Allows the selected Calibration coefficient file to be deleted.
{Local, Remote}
Allows selection of Local or Remote Equalization.
4.3.3 Interface Menu Options and Parameters