Comtech EF Data CDD-562AL User Manual
Page 166

CDD-562AL/564A/L Multi-Channel Demodulator
Revision 0
Telnet and CLI Operation
Dump Packets received by Router, keystroke: B
• Is not applicable when in easyConnect mode.
• Switches between [Yes] or [No].
• [Yes] causes the IP Module to dump a hexadecimal representation of each packet that is received
by the routing engine.
• [No] stops a packet dump in progress.
Dump Packets sent to EndStation, keystroke: G
• Switches between [Yes] or [No].
• [Yes] causes the IP Module to dump a hexadecimal representation of each packet that is received
or destined for the demodulator only.
• [No] stops a packet dump in progress.
Dump Packets received from EndStation, keystroke: H
• Do this to see what type of packets this unit generates internally.
• Switches between [Yes] or [No].
• [Yes] causes the IP Module to dump a hexadecimal representation of each packet that is sourced
from this unit and destined for some other device.
• [No] stops a packet dump in progress.
Ping, keystroke: P
• Enter the IP address in aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd format to ping on the same subnet as CDD-56x unit.
Traceroute, keystroke: A
• Enter the IP address in aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd format
Command Line Debug Prompt, keystroke: D
• Enter the password to access the debug command line.
This Command Line Debug Prompt option is reserved for use by qualified Comtech
personnel only.