Comtech EF Data CDD-562AL User Manual
Page 109

CDD-562AL/564A/L Multi-Channel Demodulator
Revision 0
Telnet and CLI Operation
Admin User/Password, keystroke: A
• Enter the user name and password with a space delimiter.
• Example:
• Type NONE NONE to erase
Read/Write User/Password, keystroke: W
• Enter the user name and password with a space delimiter.
• Example:
• Type NONE NONE to erase
Read Only User/Password, keystroke: R
• Enter the user name and password with a space delimiter.
• Example:
• Type NONE NONE to erase
Access Lists screen
Go to the Access Lists screen from the Administration screen.
Use this screen to limit monitor and control access to the unit from a specified list of authorized clients.
If connecting to the IP modem (or demodulator) remotely, the IP address of the machine used to manage
the IP modem must be included in the Access List.
AccessClient1 through AccessClient4, keystroke: 1 through 4
• Sets which remote clients can connect when the Access List Enforcement is enabled. Each entry
lets you define a unique class of machines that are allowed access to the unit. For each class,
specify an IP Address or a subnet mask.
• For example: To give access to a PC with an IP Address of and any PC on a subnet of, then define the Access List as:
AccessClient1 …[]
AccessClient2…. []