Comtech EF Data CDD-562AL User Manual
Page 124

CDD-562AL/564A/L Multi-Channel Demodulator
Revision 0
Telnet and CLI Operation
The number of network addresses governed by this destination entry (subnet mask)
The Next Hop IP address; this is the IP address where the packet is routed for additional
processing. It must be on the same subnet as the Ethernet interface.
• Optionally: If entering a multicast address ( as the destination IP
address, then these parameters are requested:
Route Multicast packets from Satellite to Ethernet? [y/n]
Specify if multicast packets that match the provided IP address will be routed from the
Satellite to Ethernet. “No” means that the packets will be discarded.
Multicast Routes always have a subnet length of 32 and the next hop is because it
is not applicable.
The IP Module allows you to specify only one default route.
Destination IP = Subnet Length = 0.
The default route can be defined to send traffic to an IP Address on the same subnet as
the Ethernet interface. This causes all packets that do not match any other route to be sent
to the destination you specified for additional processing.
Base, keystroke: B
• See up to 8 different routes per screen. Select a base address to control which 8 routes are shown.
For example, to see Routes 32-40, then set a Base value of 32.
Delete Route, keystroke: D
• Select and delete a Route Name
Display, keystroke: P
• Shows all of the routes in the system. This includes automatically-generated routes.