Comtech EF Data CDD-562AL User Manual
Page 129

CDD-562AL/564A/L Multi-Channel Demodulator
Revision 0
Telnet and CLI Operation
(VLAN) Brouter screen
Go to the Brouter Configuration screen from the Protocol Configuration screen.
VLAN Brouter Mode, keystroke: B
• Requirement: Header Decompression must be purchased and available
• Switches between [Disabled] or [Enabled]
• [Enabled] causes VLAN tagged packets to be forwarded when in Router mode
VLAN Brouter Next Hop MAC, keystroke: N
• Enter a Next Hop MAC address in 01-02-03-04-05-06 format.
VLAN Brouter Remote Mode Enable, keystroke: R
• Switches between [Disabled] or [Enabled]
• If [Enabled], IP traffic received from the WAN interface is not forwarded back to the WAN
interface, even though the route table matches.
VLAN Filtering, keystroke: F
• Switches between [Disabled] or [Enabled]
• If [Enabled], allows:
Filtering of "Brouted" Packets:
Bridging of VLAN destination packets
Routing of non-VLAN traffic using static route table information
VLAN ID 1 through VLAN ID 10, keystrokes: 1 through 9, A for 10
• Enter a valid ID in the range of 0000 to 4095.