Comtech EF Data ODM-840 User Manual
Page 153

ODM/R-840 Outdoor Remote Router
Revision 0
Ethernet-based Remote Product Management
• Unit Name – The product (e.g., ODM‐840) is identified here.
• System Contact / System Location – E‐mail and telephone contact information for Comtech
EF Data Customer Support are provided here.
Click [Submit] to save these settings.
• Set Time (hh:mm:ss) – Use HH:MM:SS format (where HH = hour [00 to 23], MM = minutes
[00 to 59], and SS = seconds [00 to 59]) to enter a time.
• Set Date (dd/mm/yy) – Use the European time format DD/MM/YY (where DD = day [01 to
31], MM = month [01 to 12], and YY = year [00 to 99]) to enter a date.
Click [Submit] to save these settings.
• Circuit ID – Enter a Circuit ID string consisting of 4 to 24 characters, and then click [Submit]
to save.
• G.703 Clock Extended Mode – Use the drop‐down menu to select this operating mode as Off
or On, and then click [Submit] to save.
• 10 MHz Internal Adjustment – Enter a value from ‐999 to (+)999 to set the adjustment for
the Internal 10 MHz High Stability Reference, and then click [Submit] to save.
• Test Mode – Use the drop‐down menu to select this operating mode as follows:
Normal Mode – This mode clears any test modes or loopbacks, and places the unit back
into an operational state.
Tx CW – This test mode forces the modulator to transmit a pure carrier (unmodulated).
Tx Alt 1/0 – This test mode forces the modulator to transmit a carrier modulated with an
alternating 1,0,1,0 pattern, at the currently selected symbol rate. This causes two discrete
spectral lines to appear, spaced at +/‐ half the symbol rate, about the carrier frequency.
Use this mode to check the carrier suppression of the modulator.
Select the desired Test Mode. Click [Submit] to execute.
Save/Load Configuration
This section allows the user to save and then load (recall) up to 10 configuration sets:
• To save a configuration set: First, adjust all operational configuration parameters to suit.
Then, use the top (Save) Select Location dropdown to select 1 through 10. Finally, click
[Save Configuration] to store the configuration settings.