AMETEK SFA Series Ethernet Programming User Manual
Page 59

SG Series Programming
Ethernet Configuration and Remote Programming
M550129-03 Rev K
update (or make all desired changes before
clicking Apply). This field has no factory setting.
Listening Port – input a port number for the
embedded Web server, ranging in value from
1025 – 65535. Click Apply to update (or make all
desired changes before clicking Apply). The
factory default port number is 9221.
To automate:
(To return to the default setting): Click the radio
button next to Obtain an IP Address
Automatically for dynamic address acquisition
from the DHCP server.
Auto IP Enabled: allows the power supply to
assign itself an IP address in the range from to with a subnet
mask of If it is enabled, when there
is no DHCP server available, the power supply
will assign itself an IP address. However, please
keep in mind that when you select Obtain an IP
Address Automatically and you check Auto IP
Enabled in TCP/IP Primary Configuration, the
system will not try the Secondary Configuration.
To enable:
Click in the box to check; click again to uncheck
so that it is no longer enabled.
Example TCP/IP Configurations:
Primary: Use a Static IP Address
Secondary: Obtain an IP Address Automatically (DHCP)
At power-up the power supply will assign itself the configured static IP
address. If no other device is using the IP address, the power supply
continues with that static IP address. If some other device is using that
address, the power supply will move to Secondary and attempt to
acquire an IP address from a DHCP server repeatedly until it gets an
Primary: Use a Static IP Address
Secondary: Obtain an IP Address Automatically (DHCP) and AutoIP
At power-up the power supply will assign itself the static IP address. If
no other device is using the IP address, the power supply continues with
that static IP address. If some other device is using that address, the
power supply will move to secondary and attempt to acquire an IP
address from a DHCP server. If it cannot find a DHCP server to assign
an address, it will assign itself a link-local address. If no other device is
using that link-local address it will use it for 5 minutes minimum. At that
time, if it is already in communication with some other device, it will hold
onto that link-local address until the communication is finished and then
retry DHCP. Then, if DHCP is not available, the power supply will revert
to the last successful link-local address for another 5 minutes minimum.