Database restore of the startup configuration file, Multiple microcode images – Cisco 15327 User Manual

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Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2

Chapter 3 Initial Configuration

Multiple Microcode Images


A standard ONS 15454 SONET/SDH database restore reinstalls the Cisco IOS startup config file
on the TCC2/TCC2P, but does not implement the Cisco IOS startup config on the ML-Series.
See the

“Database Restore of the Startup Configuration File” section on page 3-11

for additional


Database Restore of the Startup Configuration File

The ONS 15454 SONET/SDH includes a database restoration feature. Restoring the database will
reconfigure a node and the installed line cards to the saved provisioning, except for the ML-Series card.
The ML-Series card does not automatically restore the startup configuration file saved in the
TCC2/TCC2P database.

A user can load the saved startup configuration file onto the ML-Series card in two ways. He can revert
completely to the saved startup configuration and lose any additional provisioning in the unsaved
running configuration, which is a restoration scheme similar to other ONS cards, or he can install the
saved startup configuration file on top of the current running configuration, which is a merging
restoration scheme used by many Cisco Catalyst devices.

To revert completely to the startup configuration file saved in the restored database, the user needs to
reset the ML-Series card. Right-click the ML-Series card in CTC and choose Reset or use the Cisco IOS
CLI reload command to reset the ML-Series card.


Resetting the ONS 15454 ML-Series card causes a loss of traffic and closes any Telnet
sessions to the card.

To merge the saved startup configuration file with the running configuration, use the Cisco IOS CLI copy
startup-config running-config
command. This restoration scheme should only be used by experienced
users with an understanding of the current running configuration and the Cisco IOS copy command. The
copy startup-config running-config command will not reset the ML-Series card. The user also needs
to use the Cisco IOS CLI copy running-config startup-config command to save the new merged
running configuration to the startup configuration file.

Multiple Microcode Images

The primary packet processing and forwarding on the ML-Series card is done by the network processor,
which is controlled by microcode. This microcode is a set of instructions (software) loaded into the
network processor and executed at high speed. The network processor has limited microcode storage

Some of the ML-Series card features require significant amounts of microcode, and this additional
microcode exceeds the storage capacity of the network processor. These features are added as new
microcode images (separate microcode programs). The network processor can only hold one microcode
image at a time, and changing the loaded microcode image requires resetting the network processor.

The user can choose from several microcode images for the ML-Series card.

Table 3-2

compares the

features available with the different microcode images.