Ri for sw rpr configuration example – Cisco 15327 User Manual
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Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring
RI for SW RPR Configuration Example
Provides card-level redundancy when connected to a switch running EtherChannel
When connecting to a switch running EtherChannel, you must configure spr ri foreign on the primary
and secondary ML-Series cards.
SW RPR RI requires communication over the topology between the ML-Series cards. Traffic loss can
occur if there is not enough communication and more than one span is down on a ring, for any reason.
If the primary ML-Series card goes to standby because the interconnect interface goes down, then the
ring interface is placed admininistratively down (admin down). This action signals the secondary
ML-Series card to go to active. At this time, if the user configures a no shutdown on the primary
ML-Series card ring interface, the ring interface comes up. This will signal the secondary ML-Series
card to go to standby, which causes traffic loss. This occurs with all ML-Series card microcodes and with
both RPR-IEEE and Cisco proprietary RPR.
With Cisco proprietary RPR, a shutdown of the SPR interface puts ML1000-2 cards in passthrough
mode. This allows the card to participate in RI. ML1000-2 cards are the only ML-Series cards eligible
for RI. Other ML-Series cards fail to enter passthrough mode, when the SPR interface is shutdown.
RI for SW RPR Configuration Example
Excerpts of sample Cisco IOS code for an SW RPR RI for ML-Series-card-only connections are
provided in
. Excerpts of sample Cisco IOS code for an RPR RI
where the primary and secondary ML-Series cards are connected to a foreign switch, any switch that is
not an ML-Series card, are provided in
. Excerpts of sample Cisco IOS
code to see the status of RI in SW RPR mode is provided in
Example 17-10 Primary ML-Series Card Configuration
interface spr1
no ip address
spr topology discovery
spr ri mode primary peer 1
no shutdown
Example 17-11 Secondary ML-Series Card Configuration
interface spr1
no ip address
spr topology discovery
spr ri mode secondary peer 1
no shutdown
Example 17-12 Primary ML-Series Card Configuration with Connection to Switch
interface spr1
no ip address
spr topology discovery