Ctc operations, C h a p t e r, Chapter 2, “ctc operations – Cisco 15327 User Manual

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Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2


CTC Operations

This chapter covers Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) operations of the ML-Series card. All operations
described in the chapter take place at the card-level view of CTC. CTC shows provisioning information
and statistics for both the Ethernet and packet-over-SONET/SDH (POS) ports of the ML-Series card.
For the ML-Series cards, CTC manages SONET/SDH alarms and provisions STS/STM circuits in the
same manner as other ONS 15454 SONET/SDH traffic cards.

Use CTC to load a Cisco IOS configuration file or to open a Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI)
session. See

Chapter 3, “Initial Configuration.”

This chapter contains the following major sections:

Displaying ML-Series POS And Ethernet Statistics on CTC, page 2-1

Displaying ML-Series Ethernet Ports Provisioning Information on CTC, page 2-2

Displaying ML-Series POS Ports Provisioning Information on CTC, page 2-3

Provisioning Card Mode, page 2-4

Managing SONET/SDH Alarms, page 2-4

Displaying the FPGA Information, page 2-4

Provisioning SONET/SDH Circuits, page 2-5

J1 Path Trace, page 2-5

Displaying ML-Series POS And Ethernet Statistics on CTC

The POS statistics window lists POS port-level statistics. Display the CTC card view for the ML-Series
card and click the Performance > POS Ports tabs to display the window.

The Ethernet statistics window lists Ethernet port-level statistics. It is similar in appearance to the POS
statistics window. The ML-Series Ethernet ports are zero based. Display the CTC card view for the
ML-Series card and click the Performance > Ether Ports tabs to display the window.

Table 2-1

describes the buttons in the POS Ports and Ether Ports window.

A different set of statistics appears for the ML-Series card depending on whether the card is using HDLC
or GFP-F framing. For definitions of ML-Series card statistics, refer to the “Performance Monitoring”
chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 SONET and DWDM Troubleshooting Guide or the Cisco ONS 15454
SDH Troubleshooting Guide.