Cisco 15327 User Manual
Page 60

Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
Chapter 3 Initial Configuration
CTC and the Startup Configuration File
If the ML-Series card is booted up prior to the loading of the Cisco IOS startup configuration file into
TCC2/TCC2P card flash, then the ML-Series card must be reset to use the Cisco IOS startup
configuration file or the user can issue the command copy start run at the Cisco IOS CLI to configure
the ML-Series card to use the Cisco IOS startup configuration file.
Loading a Cisco IOS Startup Configuration File Through CTC
This procedure details the initial loading of a Cisco IOS Startup Configuration file through CTC.
Step 1
At the card-level view of the ML-Series card, click the IOS tab.
The CTC IOS window appears (
Step 2
Click the IOS startup config button.
The config file dialog box appears.
Step 3
Click the Local -> TCC button.
Step 4
The sample Cisco IOS startup configuration file can be installed from either the ONS 15454
SONET/SDH software CD or from a PC or network folder:
To install the Cisco supplied startup config file from the ONS 15454 SONET/SDH software CD,
insert the CD into the CD drive of the PC or workstation. Using the CTC config file dialog, navigate
to the CD drive of the PC or workstation and double-click the Basic-IOS-startup-config.txt file.
To install the Cisco supplied config file from a PC or network folder, navigate to the folder
containing the desired Cisco IOS startup config file and double-click the desired Cisco IOS startup
config file.
Step 5
At the Are you sure? dialog box, click the Yes button.
The Directory and Filename fields on the configuration file dialog update to reflect that the Cisco IOS
startup config file is loaded onto the TCC2/TCC2P.
Step 6
Load the IOS startup config file from the TCC2/TCC2P to the ML-Series card:
If the ML-Series card has already been installed, right-click on the ML-Series card at the node level
or card level CTC view and select Reset Card.
After the reset, the ML-Series card runs under the newly loaded Cisco IOS startup config.
If the ML-Series card is not yet installed, installing the ML-Series card into the slot loads and runs
the newly loaded Cisco IOS startup configuration on the ML-Series card.
When the Cisco IOS startup configuration file is downloaded and parsed at initialization, if there
is an error in the parsing of this file, an ERROR-CONFIG alarm is reported and appears under
the CTC alarms pane or in TL1. No other Cisco IOS error messages regarding the parsing of text
are reported to the CTC or in TL1. An experienced Cisco IOS user can locate and troubleshoot
the line in the startup configuration file that produced the parsing error by opening the Cisco IOS
CLI and entering a copy start run command.