Show rpr-ieee topology detail – Cisco 15327 User Manual

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Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2

Appendix A Command Reference

show rpr-ieee topology detail

show rpr-ieee topology detail

Use this command to display topology information gathered by the station from the protection and ATD
messages received on either span of an IEEE 802.17b based RPR ring.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to obtain an extremely detailed status of the ring, including details about each
station’s configuration.


router# show rpr-ieee topology detail

802.17 Topology Display

RX ringlet0->West spanRX ringlet1->East span

Number of nodes on

ringlet0: 5ringlet1: 5


Local Station Topology Info


Topology entry:

Station MAC address: 0005.9a3c.59c0

West Span (Outer ringlet RX) neighbor 000b.fcff.9d34

East Span (Inner ringlet RX) neighbor 0013.1991.1fc0

Ring Topology: CLOSED (STABLE)

Containment Active: NO

A0 class reserved rate:

ringlet0: 0 (mbps)ringlet1: 0 (mbps)

Ringlet reserved rate:

ringlet0: 0 (mbps)ringlet1: 0 (mbps)

Ringlet unreserved rate:

ringlet0: 96 (mbps)ringlet1: 96 (mbps)

Ringlet effective unreserved rate:

ringlet0: 95.9 (mbps)ringlet1: 95.9 (mbps)

Advertised Protection requests:

ringlet0: IDLEringlet1: IDLE

Active Edges:

ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO

Configured protection mode: STEERING

Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't support JUMBOS)

Is revertive: YES

Measured LRTT: 0

Sequence Number: 3


ATD timer: 1 sec

Station Name: ML100T-481

A0 reserved Bandwidth:

ringlet0: 0 mbpsringlet1: 0 mbps

SAS enabled: YES