1 system diagnostics - modules, 2 system diagnostics - inputs – Keri Systems Doors NetXtreme User Manual

Page 59

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Figure 55: System Diagnostics - Modules

Figure 56: System Diagnostics - Inputs

Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors NetXtreme


Reference Manual

01945-100 Rev. 4.0

Page 57


System Diagnostics - Modules

Manage > System Diagnostics > Modules (tab).

1. The Bus number is shown for each Bus that was detected when Get Status was selected.
2. The Module of each Bus is shown along with the type of reader connected.
3. The Firmware Revision currently installed is displayed.


System Diagnostics - Inputs

Manage > System Diagnostics > Inputs (tab).

1. The Address of each input is displayed.
2. The Bus number where the input is located is displayed.
3. The Circuit Type in use is displayed.
4. The Contact Type in use is displayed.
5. The current state of the input is displayed.