Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual

Page 59

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receive a confirmation message.

Picture 144: Send options window

Picture 145: Accept changes button

Picture 146: Correction successful

3.11.2 Change Recipients of Message

The user can change recipients directly in the
correction page by entering address(es) in the
corresponding textbox for that recipient type. To
remove a recipient, the user can simply delete it from
the textbox.

There is also an option to select recipients from an
address book, which can be accessed by clicking
one of the recipient type buttons. On the subsequent
Select Recipients page, recipients can be added to
or removed from existing recipient lists. This process
is identical to the recipient selection for a completely
new message. To return to the correction page click
Return to Message. The new recipient list will be
displayed in the corresponding text box.

To make changes permanent, the user needs to click
Correct. If correction is successful, the user will
receive a confirmation message.

Picture 147: Recipients fields

Picture 148: Recipients buttons

Picture 149: Add/remove recipients page