Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual
Page 23

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Picture 48: Result / Response columns
Whenever a two-digit error code is displayed, users have the possibility to click to the error code. A new window
with an exact error description opens. Due to the fact that the detailed error description might depend on the
customer installation, the error description file is not supplied with the installation. The error descriptions file
opens in new popup windows. When the error description file opens, it automatically jumps to the corresponding
error description via the error code bookmarks.
2.3.2 Output Outbox as Text File
If enabled in the configuration, TC/Web can export the entire Outbox as text file. To use this feature, click Export
in the Outbox view.
Picture 49: Export button
TC/Web generates a text file which you can download. The text file contains all available fields for the Outbox
view, not just the fields configured to be visible. It also contains all records from view, not only the visible ones. If
the view is filtered, only the filtered data is exported (all records, not only visible). Because the Outbox can hold a
large number of records, a time limit exists for the export processing. If the time to export all of the filtered
records exceeds the time limit, the export stops and the user receives a file with the records that were exported
plus a message at the bottom indicating that the export was not completed.
Sending a Message
To create a new message, click New Message in
any of the following locations:
The Toolbar
The Home tool
The Inbox
The Outbox
Picture 50: New Message buttons