Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual

Page 39

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2.7.4 Events

The Events tool enables the editing of

a user‟s


Whether the Events tool is available for end users
can be configured by a System Administrator, who
can also configure which fields in an event are
visible, and whether the end user can create new
and delete existing events.

All changes to events, including editing, creating and
deleting events are saved only after clicking the
Save Changes button.

Picture 82: Events tool


Once an event has been created, the Event Type can no longer be edited.
Events of event type MsgWaitOn and MsgWaitOff can only have their action further configured. The

Service, Delivery Type, Error Filter and Recipient Number fields have no meaning for this type of event
and cannot be configured.

There can be only one event of type MsgWaitOn.
There can be only one event of type MsgWaitOff.

2.7.5 Change Password

This tool is used to change a user

‟s password.

If no error occurred, the confirming message "Your
password has been changed" appears.

Note: The password has been changed only after
this message appeared.

Picture 83: Change Password Possible Error Messages

Two errors are possible:

"Your password has NOT been changed. You did not enter your old password

correctly. Please retry ..."
For security reasons, a user must enter his/her old password in order to change their password.

"Your passwords did not match. Please retry …"

This error occurs if both fields for the new password do not match. The user must enter the new password
two times to ensure that there is no typing mistake.

2.7.6 Settings

The Settings tool allows the user to configure how
TC/Web should work.

Default message view type

A user can select which of the three message views
(Text view, Image view, History view) a message
should open with.

The History option is only available to users
configured to be able to access message history.

Stored phone numbers

A user can configure up to three phone numbers to
be used for playing voicemail messages via phone.
For each phone number, a description and a number