Setting the domain id, Switch names, Customizing the switch name – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
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Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Switch names
Setting the domain ID
1. Connect to the switch and log in on an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the switchDisable command to disable the switch.
3. Enter the configure command.
4. Enter y after the Fabric Parameters prompt:
Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
5. Enter a unique domain ID at the Domain prompt. Use a domain ID value from 1 through 239
for normal operating mode (FCSW-compatible).
Domain: (1..239) [1] 3
6. Respond to the remaining prompts, or press Ctrl-D to accept the other settings and exit.
7. Enter the switchEnable command to re-enable the switch.
Switch names
Switches can be identified by IP address, domain ID, World Wide Name (WWN), or by customized
switch names that are unique and meaningful.
Switch names can be from 1 to 30 characters long. All switch names must begin with a letter, and
can contain letters, numbers, or the underscore character. It is not necessary to use quotation
Changing the switch name causes a domain address format RSCN to be issued and may be
disruptive to the fabric.
Customizing the switch name
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the switchName command and enter a new name for the switch.
switch:admin> switchname newname
3. Record the new switch name for future reference.
Enet IP Addr
The switch’s Ethernet IP address for IPv4- and IPv6-configured switches. For IPv6
switches, only the static IP address displays.
FC IP Addr
The switch’s Fibre Channel IP address.
The switch’s symbolic or user-created name in quotes. An arrow (>) indicates the
principal switch.