The radius server, Configuring radius server support with linux – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

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Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide



The authentication model using RADIUS and LDAP


In the next example, on a Linux FreeRadius Server, the user takes the “zoneAdmin” role, with VFlist
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 31 and HomeLF 1.

user300 Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "password"
Brocade-Auth-Role = "zoneadmin",
Brocade-AVPairs1 = "HomeLF=1;LFRoleList=securityadmin:2,4-8,10”
Brocade-AVPairs2 = "LFRoleList=admin:11-13, 15, 17, 19;user:22-25,29,31"

The RADIUS server


To set up the RADIUS server, you must know the switch IP address, in either IPv4 or IPv6 notation,
or the name to connect to switches. Use the ipAddrShow command to display a switch IP address.

For Brocade directors, the switch IP addresses are aliases of the physical Ethernet interfaces on
the CP blades. When specifying client IP addresses for the logical switches in these systems, make
sure the CP blade IP addresses are used. For accessing both the active and standby CP blade, and
for the purpose of HA failover, both of the CP blade IP addresses must be included in the RADIUS
server configuration.

User accounts should be set up by their true network-wide identity, rather than by the account
names created on a Fabric OS switch. Along with each account name, the administrator must
assign appropriate switch access roles. To manage a fabric, these roles can be User, Admin, and

Configuring RADIUS server support with Linux

The following procedures work for FreeRADIUS on Solaris and Red Hat Linux. FreeRADIUS is a
freeware RADIUS server that you can find at the following web site:

Follow the installation instructions at the web site. FreeRADIUS runs on Linux (all versions),
FreeBSD, NetBSD, and Solaris. If you make a change to any of the files used in this configuration,
you must stop the server and restart it for the changes to take effect.

FreeRADIUS installation places the configuration files in $PREFIX/etc/raddb. By default, the
PREFIX is /usr/local.

Configuring RADIUS service on Linux consists of the following tasks:

Adding the Brocade attribute to the server

Creating the user

Enabling clients

Adding the Brocade attribute to the server

1. Create and save the file $PREFIX/etc/raddb/dictionary.brocade with the following information:

# dictionary.brocade
VENDOR Brocade 1588

# attributes