Advanced features, Legacyselect technology control, Manageability – Dell OptiPlex GX280 User Manual
Page 24: Security, Password protection, System setup, Booting to a usb device, Clearing forgotten passwords, Clearing cmos settings, Hyper-threading

Advanced Features
Dell™ OptiPlex™ GX280 Systems User's Guide
LegacySelect Technology Control
LegacySelect Technology Control
LegacySelect technology control offers legacy-full, legacy-reduced, or legacy-free solutions based on common platforms,
hard-drive images, and help desk procedures. Control is provided to the administrator through system setup, Dell
OpenManage™ IT Assistant, or Dell™ custom factory integration.
LegacySelect allows administrators to electronically activate or deactivate connectors and media devices that include serial
and USB connectors, a parallel connector, a floppy drive, PCI slots, and a PS/2 mouse. Connectors and media devices that are
deactivated make resources available. You must restart the computer to effect the changes.
Alert Standard Format
ASF is a DMTF management standard that specifies "pre-operating system" or "operating system-absent" alerting techniques.
The standard is designed to generate an alert on potential security and fault conditions when the operating system is in a
sleep state or the system is powered down. ASF is designed to supersede previous operating system-absent alerting
Your computer supports the following ASF version 1.03 alerts and remote capabilities:
Chassis: Chassis Intrusion – Physical Security
Violation/Chassis Intrusion – Physical Security
Violation Event Cleared
The computer chassis with the chassis intrusion feature
installed and enabled has been opened or the chassis
intrusion alert has been cleared.
CPU: Emergency Shutdown Event
The processor temperature is too hot and the power supply
has shut down.
Cooling Device: Generic Critical Fan
Failure/Generic Critical Fan Failure Cleared
The fan speed (rpm) is out of limits or the fan speed (rpm)
problem has been resolved.
Temperature: Generic Critical Temperature
Problem/Generic Critical Temperature Problem
The computer temperature is out of limits or the computer
temperature problem has been resolved.
Battery Low
The system battery has reached a voltage of 2.2V or lower.
For more information about Dell's ASF implementation, see the ASF User's Guide and the ASF Administrator's Guide, which
are available on the Dell Support website at
Dell OpenManage IT Assistant