756 kf coulometer – Metrohm VESUV User Manual

Page 16

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Vesuv 3.0

2. Connecting devices

• 11

756 KF Coulometer


PC 25pin


PC 9pin


If possible work with the following RS parameters: 9600
Baud, 8 Data Bit, 1 Stop Bit, no parity, handshake "HWs".
The Coulometer cannot be connected via a Softswitch.

The RS parameters can be set on the Coulometer in key
, >RS settings COM1.


Connect the PC to COM port 1 of the Coulometer.

The 756 KF Coulometer can't be connected to a Soft-
switch. Connect it directly to a PC port or to a port of an
extension board.

At the end of the titrations transmit at least the following
Settings on the Coulometer under ", >Report,
You can also send additional reports which can be stored
in the database and/or printed out.
Important: Don't send any curves from the Coulometer
to Vesuv! The Vesuv curve is created from the measuring
point list which the Coulometer transmits.

If the Coulometer is operated by Vesuv then the report
identification, the date and method lines will be automati-
cally switched on in the report. This ensures that the re-
port is correctly recognized and read out.