Metrohm VESUV User Manual
Page 14

Vesuv 3.0
2. Connecting devices
• 9
726 Titroprocessor
PC 25pin
PC 9pin
If possible work with the following RS parameters: 9600
Baud, 8 Data Bit, 1 Stop Bit and no parity. The handshake
must be set as follows:
HWs (if the Titroprocessor is connected to a COM port)
SWchar (if the Titroprocessor is connected via a Soft-
The RS parameters can be set on the Titroprocessor in
"Config, Interfaces".
For working with Vesuv you need program version
5.726.0012 or higher.
Transmit at least the raw data report:
settings on 726 Titroprocessor under "Methods, *Report"
If you want to store reports, you should also transmit the
report "Methods, *Standard".
Important: Don't send any curves from the Titroproces-
sor to Vesuv! The Vesuv curve is created from the
measuring point list which the Titroprocessor transmits.
The report must be transmitted and not printed out.
Set data transfer to "LIMS":
settings under "Config, Interfaces"
If you are working with a balance which is connected to
the PC then you must first select the balance type on the
726 Titroprocessor.
Setting under "Config, Interfaces "
Only the first line of the report header can be read into
the database.
If sample data (sample identifications, weight) are altered
during the determination then they may differ in the indi-
vidual sub-determinations.
Equations with special expressions (TST) cannot be re-
calculated in Vesuv.