Metrohm IC Net 2.0 User Manual

Page 30

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4 Systems

IC Net 2.0



Start/stop determinations

SYSTEM / Control / Start determination

Start determination using the settings of the selected system.

At this start command, the

System startup values

are set at the de-

vices. The time programs of the different devices and the data

recording are started either immediately (

Start with determination


or after switching the injection valve to the "Inject" position (


with inject

) as set in the

Start mode


SYSTEM / Control / Stop determination

Stop running determination. Data acquisition and time pro-

grams are terminated immediately. The recorded chromatogram

is saved automatically if the

Save chromatogram after the run


on the

Passport / Processing

tab is enabled.

Alternatively the determination can be stopped by clicking the

icon of the chromatogram window. In this case the user is asked

always if the determination should be saved or not.

If the

Auto restart

option is enabled or if a sample queue

is active, a new determination is started immediately

after the running determination is stopped. If you want

to avoid this, disable the

Auto restart

option or



sample queue.

SYSTEM / Control / Stop data acquisition

Stop data acquisition of the running determination immediately

and save the recorded chromatogram automatically if the


chromatogram after the run

option on the

Passport / Processing


is enabled. The time programs of the running determination are

continued normally.


Options for determinations

SYSTEM / Control / Auto restart

If this option is enabled, a new determination is started automati-

cally using the current system after the preceding determination

has been finished normally or stopped manually.
The Auto restart option is disabled if determinations are made

with an active sample queue. This option allows to make an infi-

nite batch cycle with the current system

SYSTEM / Control / Verify sample

If this option is enabled, the

Edit sample description

window is

opened automatically at the start of each determination for entry

of the following sample information: