Metrohm IC Net 2.0 User Manual
Page 115

7.3 Method setup
IC Net 2.0
Method setup
window with parameters for noise fil-
tration of raw data. Three different filtration algorithms are avail-
able to reduce noise and increase apparent signal-to-noise ratio.
Spikes filter. The Spikes filter smoothes
the first and last points of the chroma-
togram and the points identified as spikes.
The spike is exchanged with half of the sum
of two neighboring signal values.
Slit Median
Median filter. Performs filtration if non-zero
smoothing degree is entered. Smoothing
degree should be a natural number. The
values within the window are sorted by in-
creasing response level and the response
corresponding to the middle of the window
is replaced with the value in the middle of a
sorted array. This method affects chroma-
tographic peaks in minimal extent, im-
proves baseline and eliminates single-point
spikes. In this case the spike will be re-
placed with one of the neighboring points.
Slit Gaussian
Gauss filter. Performs filtration if non-zero
smoothing degree is entered. The sum of
all window points with Gaussian weights
distribution is calculated and is used as a
new raw data value. The peaks become a
bit smaller and wider after smoothing, but
their area does not change.
Raw data points
Number of data points per chromatogram
Smallest peak has ...
Number of data points per smallest peak
on the chromatogram (read-only). This in-
formation is valuable to perform the
procedure (data compression).