Rockwell Automation 1756-HIST2G Historian ME 2.1 User Manual
Page 307

Fixed Archive
A type of archive file that allocates all of its disk space at
creation time. Thus, both an empty and full archive occupy the
same amount of disk space. Unless shifting has explicitly been
disabled, non-empty fixed archives will participate in archive
FTMS Available Points The number of FactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition (ME)-
to-FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition (SE) licensed points
minus the total number of points already tagged for transfer.
This includes tagged points from all modules that are set up to
transfer data to the same FactoryTalk Historian SE server.
Ladder Logic
A program written in a format resembling a ladder-like
diagram. A programmable controller uses this program to
control devices.
Light emitting diode. It is used as a status indicator on the
The NAND Flash architecture is one of two flash technologies
(the other being NOR) used in memory cards such as the
CompactFlash cards used to upgrade the module firmware.
NAND is best suited to a flash device requiring high capacity
data storage. This is the data storage architecture for the
FactoryTalk Historian ME.
An optional field used when defining a scan class that specifies
the first time at which a scan should occur. If no offset is
specified, the first scan occurs immediately after the specified
interval. After the initial scan, subsequent scans continue to
occur after every specified interval.
Out of Order Event
An incoming event whose timestamp is prior to the timestamp
of the event currently residing in the Snapshot table for a
particular point. All such events bypass compression and are
written directly to the event queue.