Archive statistics, Archive information, Event queue – Rockwell Automation 1756-HIST2G Historian ME 2.1  User Manual

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Archive Statistics

The Archive Statistics section displays information about file system usage.

Total Archive - total amount of disk space allocated for the data archive.

Total Archive Used - total amount of disk space currently in use for archived data

on the archive partition.

Total Archive Free - total disk space available on the archive partition. This space

is not currently in use.

Archive Information

As data is received from the Data Collection service, it is stored in the archive files in

the NAND memory module. The Archive Information section displays:

Total Archive Files - number of archive files is determined by the capacity of the

NAND (flash) memory.

Transferred Archives - number of archive files transferred to FactoryTalk

Historian SE.

Available Archives - number of archive files that do not have any data stored in

them. This is the number of archive files that are available before they are


Archive File Size - size of the archive files is 10MB.
Archive file sizes are hardware-dependent. The 1GB module has 40 pre-allocated

10MB archive files. The 2GB module has 130 pre-allocated 10MB archive files.

They are preset and cannot be changed.

Event Queue

The Event Queue section displays the number of temporary archive files in a transient

state. The FactoryTalk Historian ME processes these files as soon as it archives
events in the files. Under normal conditions, this count should be under three.

When the count becomes large, it may cause the archive disk to reach its user-
configured threshold. If the user-configured threshold is reached, Data Collection will
stop automatically and data interruption will occur.

See “Archive Disk Threshold Configuration” for details related to data interruption and
stopping Data Collection.

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