Homing“ state (g_wstate = 30: homing operation), Top cut" state (g_wstate = 41: headcut), Length cut" state (g_wstate = 42: lengthcut) – Lenze EVS93xx FlyingSaw User Manual
Page 87: Mark cut" state (g_wstate = 43: tpcut), Trouble" state (g_wstate = 1: trouble), 2 parallel functions, Parallel functions -3, Flyingsaw
State machine of the Prepared Solution
Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN
page 7-3
"Homing“ state (g_wState = 30: homing operation)
If homing is activated using the global variable g_bStartHomning, this state is adopted. Ongoing
homing is indicated by the global variable g_bHomingBusy = TRUE. If the home position is
known (homing completed successfully), the drive sets the global variable
= TRUE. The "Homing" state is left on reaching or defining the
home position and the state changes to "Standby".
The STATUS Homing active bit is set in the application status word (default bit 05).
"Automatic flying saw" state (g_wState = 40: flyingsaw operation)
The "Automatic flying saw" state requires the home position to be known. Three other states
branch out from this state; these three states describe the sequence of a flying saw.
The STATUS Automatic selected bit is set in the application status word (default bit 09).
"Top cut" state (g_wState = 41: headcut)
In the "Top cut" state the axis is performing a top cut.
The STATUS Top cut is being made bit is set in the application status word (default bit 08).
"Length cut" state (g_wState = 42: lengthcut)
This state indicates that a cut is being performed using the length calculator. The requirement
for a length cut is a prior top cut; this cut starts the length calculator so that equidistant lengths
can be calculated.
The STATUS Length cut active bit is set in the application status word (default bit 11).
"Mark cut" state (g_wState = 43: TPcut)
In the "Mark cut" state the axis waits at the initial position until a mark on the material has been
detected and processed. The axis synchronises on the mark and once synchronicity is reached,
processing is performed.
The STATUS Mark cut active bit is set in the application status word (default bit 12).
"Move to initial position" state (g_wState = 50: positioning_operation)
This state indicates that the axis is in the positioning mode and is moving to the initial position
(home position).
"Trouble" state (g_wState = 1: trouble)
The "Trouble" state can be reached from any other state. The only transition criterion is the
global variable g_bGlobalError. In the 'Trouble' state the target system is signalling a trip. As a
result the system variables DCTRL_bCinh_b or MCTRL_bQspIn_b = TRUE are set. It is only
possible to change to the "Standby" state; this change is made when the global variable
has been reset. This situation is possible when the cause of the error has been
rectified and the error has been acknowledged using a positive edge on the global variable
The STATUS Error detected bit is set in the application status word (default bit 13).
7.2 Parallel
The software for the Prepared Solution provides the user with comprehensive error handling
that can be expanded by programming (POU ErrorHandling, function block ErrorHandling). The