10 functions of the control inputs and outputs, 11 manual control, 12 start gap – Lenze EVS93xx FlyingSaw User Manual

Page 31: 13 cut done, 14 immediate cut / top cut, Functions of the control inputs and outputs -18, Manual control -18, Start gap -18, Cut done -18, Immediate cut / top cut -18

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Features of the Prepared Solution

Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN

page 2-18


Functions of the control inputs and outputs

2.11 Manual


With a "high" signal on these inputs, the saw carriage can be moved manually in both directions
at the jog speed defined. The traverse path is limited at the end positions in each case by the
two software limit switches. On completion of a jog movement, the saw carriage is held in its
new position electrically. After a jog movement, the saw carriage must be moved back to the
initial position by a positioning movement. A start signal for performing a cut is only accepted if
the saw carriage is in the initial position.

Manual control in the positive direction is started using the application control word with the
Manual control in positive direction

bit (default bit 02).

Manual control in the negative direction is started using the application control word with the
Manual control in negative direction

bit (default bit 03).


Start gap

On completion of the cut, a gap can be generated between the piece cut and the length of
material using this input. For this purpose the saw carriage is briefly accelerated and in this way
generates the gap required by the operator. The size of the gap can be adjusted. The "Gap
done" output signals when the separation is complete.

The gap is started using the application control word with the Start make gap bit (default bit 08).


Cut done

This input must receive a signal as soon as a cut or processing operation has been completed
mechanically. This feedback triggers the saw carriage return cycle to its initial position. The
direction of the signal (rising or falling edge) can be adjusted. If there is no signal, the saw blade
moves to the rear software limit switch and triggers an alarm. Each "Cut done" signal
increments the built-in cut counter

The cut done signal is triggered using the application control word with the Cut done signal bit
(default bit 07).


Immediate cut / top cut

A rising edge on this input starts a cutting process immediately, independent of the cutting
length set. The next cut again is the same as the pre-selected length, unless an immediate cut
is triggered again. This function for instance makes it possible to cut out poor sections of
material during production is running. The built-in scrap counter is incremented with each
immediate cut


A top cut is started using the application control word with the Trigger top cut bit (default bit 06).