2 scope of supply, Scope of supply -2, Flyingsaw – Lenze EVS93xx FlyingSaw User Manual
Page 6
Preface and general information
Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN
page 1-2
Scope of supply
The CD-ROM enclosed contains the following files:
File type
Binary file:
The binary file contains the compiled project with all system
and application codes (for information on application codes
see chapter 11.3.1) and can be transferred to the target
system using the Lenze software tool GDLoader. The
binary file is required if the parameterisable variant (see
chapter 1.4.1) is to be used.
Template model:
The template model contains the source code for the
Prepared Solution and is required if the programmable
variant is to be used (see chapter 1.4.2). It can be edited,
translated and transferred to the target system using the
Lenze software DDS.
Library file:
The library file contains the core functionality for the
Prepared Solution and is the basis for the project file.
Without the library file the project file cannot be completely
translated in DDS.
Device description file:
The device description file is required for setting the
parameters for the Prepared Solution (parameterisable
version) using the Lenze software tool GDC. Before GDC is
used, the device description file must be copied to the
corresponding directory for the GDC software).
Symbol file for GDOscilloscope:
The symbol file for use in connection with the Lenze
software Global Drive Oscilloscope contains a list of signals
in the Prepared Solution that can be displayed using the
oscilloscope. When the GDOscilloscope is started this file
must be assigned to be able to access the required signals
from the Prepared Solution.
PDF file (manual):
This manual describes the Prepared Solution in detail.
The files are installed automatically by the setup provided on the product CD.