2 programmable variant, Programmable variant -7, Flyingsaw – Lenze EVS93xx FlyingSaw User Manual
Page 11
Preface and general information
Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN
page 1-7
1.4.2 Programmable
The programmable variant includes the range of functions of the parameterisable variant,
however, the user can modify the program for the Prepared Solution using IEC61131
modifications (e.g. for the definition of interfaces, modification of the external signal flow, …) to
add other, custom sub-routines. In this way the Prepared Solution can be adapted to the
customer's requirements. It is also possible to optimally utilise the target platform's resources
without affecting the core functionality.
= Internal program parts of the Prepared Solution
= Parts of the Prepared Solution that can be edited by the user
The configuration of the signal flow beyond the core functionality in the case of the
programmable variant is left to the user, as is the changing/modification/extension of existing
sub-routines in/to the Prepared Solution (e.g. error handling). The interface between the sub-
routines that contain the core functionality and the application sub-routines as well as the
system blocks is similar to the templates for the software packages and uses global variables.
The significance of the global interface variables is listed in chapter 11.2.
The core functionality of the Prepared Solution cannot be changed by the user in either variant.
In this way it is ensured that unintentional malfunctions cannot be programmed or monitoring is