Triton TritonMap User Manual
Page 86

June 2004 DelphMap™ User's Manual
Which version of the dialog box you get depends on the contents of the
layer you are inserting.
For the fuller version of the Specify a Layer Name dialog box, the upper
Layer Name
portion of the dialog box suggests a layer name to be
associated with the file you are inserting. The lower Layer Name portion
of the fuller dialog box contains a spin box (▼) of layer types that could
be associated with the layer name. DelphMap derives that information
from the contents of the file you are trying to insert as a layer.
3. In the Specify a Layer Name dialog box, provide a layer name. If the
dialog box has a spin box of layer types for the layer you are
inserting into DelphMap’s main display window, also make a
selection from the available types.
In the fuller version of the Specify a Layer Name dialog box, if you
change the layer name type (bottom spin box), DelphMap changes the
suggested name in the upper layer name box to a name that more
closely matches the type of layer you are selecting in the lower layer
name box. You can accept the suggested name in the upper box or type
over it with a name more to your liking.
FIGURE 35. Two versions of the Specify a Layer Name dialog box
Chapter 4: Managing Layers