Customizing the work space – Triton TritonMap User Manual

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June 2004 DelphMap™ User's Manual

see the separate technical manual, Using DelphNav, provided by Triton
Elics International, for the functionality of this part of DelphMap.

Customizing the Work Space

From the View menu, all visible parts of the application window, except for the
main display area, can be turned on or off by placing a check mark next to the
named view. By default, all viewable items are initially displayed, and thus all the
choices in the View menu initially have a check mark next to them. The menu bar
at the very top of the screen is always visible.

In addition, except for the status bar, the main display area, and the main menu
list, any of these items can be docked or redocked. This means you can move
the items to any other part of your screen independently of the main application
window if you click on an edge of the item and drag it to any other area on your
screen. If you move an item out of the DelphMap application window, the
imagery in the large part of the application window adjusts and redraws to make
use of the space vacated by the item you moved. If you move an item currently
residing outside the application window back into the DelphMap work area, the
large display area again adjusts and redraws to occupy available space.
If you place your pointer over a toolbar item, a tool tip (also known as quick tip,
balloon help or bubble help) displays under the item, identifying its purpose.

Chapter 1: Getting Started with DelphMap