Triton TritonMap User Manual

Page 114

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June 2004 DelphMap™ User's Manual


Display Profile icons and what they do


Icon’s Meaning

Remote Zoom: This enlarges the image in the main display to the
extent of the profile line. The profile line transverses the length of the
imagery from one border of the main display to its opposite border.

Coordinates Units: This toggles the geodetic status information
between displaying navigation location in eastings and northings or
latitude and longitude

Enable Smoothing: When enabled, a smoothed line displays points on
the lines that are easily identifiable. This is especially useful in an
amplitude graph because smoothed lines (the default) make it easier to
see the amplitude’s numerical value at any given point on the line.

Generate a Report File: Use this function to have DelphMap create
and save a file either as plain text or as a comma-separated file
suitable for importing into applications such as Excel. format.

Profile Setup: Clicking this icon leads to a Profile Setup dialog box
(Figure 52) where you can customize certain aspects of the displayed

Chapter 6: Displaying Image Profiles