Triton TritonMap User Manual
Page 116

June 2004 DelphMap™ User's Manual
FIGURE 50. Profile Setup dialog box
As the Profile Setup dialog box shows, you can:
• specify distance units (meters, kilometers, feet, or U.S. survey
feet, or nautical miles)
• specify smoothing strength (1–5, where 1 is the least amount of
smoothing and 5 is the most)
• include or exclude route waypoints in your displayed profile (a
check mark in the box includes the waypoints; a cleared box
excludes them)
• specify the units for displaying depth data (meters, feet, or U.S.
survey feet)
• let DelphMap optimize the display of your graph to take full
advantage of the available space in the Display Profile window (Best
Fit Limits)
• override the Best Fit Limits with your own minimum and
maximum depth values, forcing DelphMap to mask out areas not
within your parameters, thus emphasizing the detail of a select
portion of a layer’s profile
2. Click
OK to register your profile setup changes to the system.
Chapter 6: Displaying Image Profiles