Appendix fiefl - calibration 82, Appendix “e” - calibration – Red Lion TSC User Manual

Page 84

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Calibration Check

The instrument has been fully calibrated at the factory for ALL

thermocouple and RTD types. If the unit appears to be indicating or

controlling incorrectly, refer to the troubleshooting section before attempting

this procedure.

If the controller is suspected of reading incorrectly, the instrument may be

checked for indication accuracy without disturbing the factory calibration.

The four parameters to be checked are: mV reading, thermocouple cold

junction temperature, RTD ohms reading, and linear DC output. The

following procedures are used for this purpose.
Note: Allow 1/2 hour warm-up with the controller in an upright position in

such a manner to allow adequate ventilation to the case before checking

these parameters.

mV Reading Check

1) Place the input sensor selection jumper in the TC position.

2) Connect a DC mV source with an accuracy of 0.01% or better to terminal #9

(+) & #10 (-).

3) Select the controller to indicate linear mV (LIN), in configure input


4) Compare the controller readout to the standard at various points over the

range (-5.00 mV to 54.00 mV).

The tolerance is 0.15% of reading ± 1 LSD

5) Calibrate the controller if the readings are out of tolerance.

Thermocouple Cold Junction Temperature Check

1) Place the input sensor selection jumper in the TC position.

2) Place a reference temperature probe in immediate vicinity of terminal #9

& #10.

3) Install a shorting wire to terminals #9 & #10.

4) With thermocouple type T selected, compare controller readout with a

calibrated probe. Allow sufficient time for temperatures to equalize. The

tolerance is ±1°C.

5) Calibrate the cold junction temperature if out of tolerance.

RTD Ohms Reading

1) Place the input sensor jumper in the RTD position.

2) Connect RTD simulator to terminals #8, #9, & #10 (with an accuracy of 0.1

ohm or better).

3) Select the controller for linear OHMS (rLIN) readout, in configure input


4) Compare the controller readout with the RTD simulator at various points

over the range 0.0 to 300.0 ohms.

The tolerance is 0.15% of reading ± 1 LSD.

5) Calibrate the controller RTD ohms if out of tolerance.

Linear DC Output Check

4 to 20 mA

1) Connect an ammeter to the linear output (#11 & #12) with an accuracy of

0.1% or better.

2) Set “ANAS” (analog assignment) to “INP”, in configure input parameters.

3) Drive the input signal level below the programmed “ANLO” value.

Check for 4 mA (±0.02 mA).

4) Drive the input signal level above the programmed “ANHI” value.

Check for 20 mA (±0.03 mA).

5) Calibrate the controller linear DC output if out of tolerance.

0 to 10 VDC

1) Connect a voltmeter to the linear output (#11 & #12).

2) Set “ANAS” (Analog Assignment) to “INP”, in Configure Input Parameters.

3) Drive the input signal level below the programmed “ANLO” value.

Check for 0 VDC (±20 mV).

4) Drive the input signal level above the programmed “ANHI” value.

Check for 10 VDC (±30 mV).

5) Calibrate the controller linear DC output if out of tolerance.
