Red Lion TSC User Manual

Page 76

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11. OUTPUT MODULES [Optional] (For All Output Channels):


Type: Form-C (Form-A with RS-485 option)

Rating: 5 Amps @ 120/240 VAC or 28 VDC (resistive load),

1/8 HP @ 120 VAC (inductive load).

Life Expectancy: 100,000 cycles at maximum rating. (Decreasing

load and/or increasing cycle time, increases life expectancy).

Logic/SSR Drive: Can drive up to three SSR Power Units.

Type: Non-isolated switched DC, 12 VDC typical

Drive: 45 mA max.

Protection: Short-circuit protected.


Type: Isolated, Zero Crossing Detection.


Voltage: 120/240 VAC

Max Load Current: 1 AMP @ 35°C

0.75 AMP @ 50°C

Min Load Current: 10 mA

Off State Leakage Current: 7 mA max. @ 60 Hz

Operating Frequency: 20 to 500 Hz

Protection: Internal Transient Snubber, Fused.

12. MAIN CONTROL OUTPUT (Heating or Cooling):

Control: PID or ON/OFF.

Output: Time proportioning or linear DC.

Hardware: Plug-in, replaceable output modules.

Cycle time: Programmable.

Auto-Tune: When performed, sets proportional band, integral time,

and derivative time values.

Probe Break Action: Programmable.

13. COOLING OUTPUT (Optional):

Control: PID or ON/OFF.

Output: Time proportioning or linear DC.

Hardware: Plug-in, replaceable output modules.

Cycle time: Programmable.

Proportional Gain Adjust: Programmable.

Heat/Cool DeadBand: Programmable.

14. LINEAR DC DRIVE (Optional): With digital scale and offset,

programmable deadband and update time.

4-20 mA:

Resolution: 1 part in 3500 typical

Accuracy: ±(0.1% of reading + 25 mA)

Compliance: 10 V (500 W max. loop impedance)

0 to 10 VDC:

Resolution: 1 part in 3500 typical

Accuracy: ±(0.1% of reading + 35 mV)

Min Load Resistance: 10 KW (1 mA max.)

Source: % output power, setpoint, deviation, or temperature.

(Available for heat or cool, but not both.)

15. ALARMS (Optional):

Hardware: Plug-in, replaceable output module.

Modes: Absolute high acting

Absolute low acting

Deviation high acting

Deviation low acting

Inside band acting

Outside band acting

Timed event output(s)

Reset Action: Programmable; automatic or latched.

Delay: Programmable; enable or disable.

Hysteresis: Programmable.

Probe Break Action: Upscale.

Annunciator: LED backlight for “AL1”, “AL2”, (Alarm #2 not available

with cooling output).


Type: RS-485 Multi-point, Balanced Interface.

Communication Format:

Baud Rate: Programmable from 300 to 9600.

Parity: Programmable for odd, even, or no parity.

Frame: 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 or no parity bit, 1 stop bit.

Unit Address: Programmable from 0-99, maximum of 32 units per line.

Transmit Delay: 100 msec Minimum, 200 msec Maximum.

RS-485 Common: Isolated from signal input common.

Auto Print Time: Off to 9999 seconds between print-outs.
