Alarm module (4-al) (optional) 35, Alarm ac tion (act1, act2) 35 – Red Lion TSC User Manual

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The controller may be optionally fitted with the dual alarm option (AL1 and

AL2), or a single alarm with the cooling output option (AL1 and OP2). One of

three types of output modules (Relay, Logic/SSR Drive or Triac) must be

ordered separately and installed into the alarm channel socket.

Note: Units with RS-485 serial option must have the same type of modules

installed for the Dual Alarms setup.

The output modules may be replaced or interchanged (with appropriate

wiring considerations) at any time without re-programming the controller.

With an open sensor, the alarm outputs are up-scale drive (+9999) and with a

shorted sensor (RTD only) they are down-scale drive (-9999).

A front panel annunciator illuminates to indicate that the alarm output is on

(AL1 for alarm 1 and AL2 for alarm 2).

Note: When deviation low-acting with positive alarm value (d-LO), deviation

high-acting with negative value (d-HI), or Band inside-acting (b-IN) is

selected for the alarm action, the indicator is “OFF” when the alarm

output is “ON”.

The alarm values can be accessed in configuration module (4-AL), the

unprotected mode, and in the protected mode, if not locked.

CAUTION: In applications where equipment or material damage, or risk to

personnel due to controller malfunction could occur, an independent and

redundant temperature limit indicator with alarm outputs is strongly

recommended. Red Lion Controls model IMT (thermocouple) or model

IMR (RTD) units may be used for this purpose. The indicators should have

independent input sensors and AC power feeds from the other equipment.

Alarm Action (Act1, Act2)

The alarm(s) may be independently configured for one of six possible alarm

modes or configured to operate as a timed event output(s). The timed event

output(s) are programmed in profiles module 8 (8-Pr).

Note: If an alarm is programmed for Timed Event Output (P-Ev), the

remaining alarm parameters are not applicable.

Alarms configured for deviation or band action, track the setpoint during

ramp and hold phases of a profile. Deviation and band alarms trigger from the

target setpoint when the auto setpoint ramp rate (SPrP) feature is enabled.

The alarm action figures describe the status of the alarm output and the front

panel indicator for various over/under temperature conditions. (See output

module “OUTPUT ON” state table for definitions, under installing output

modules section.) The alarm output waveform is shown with the output in the

automatic reset mode.

Note: Select the alarm action with care. In some configurations, the front

panel indicator (LED) might be “OFF” while the output is “ON”.


Absolute High Acting (A-HI)

Absolute Low Acting (A-LO)

Deviation High Acting (d-HI)

- Tracks Setpoint Value

Deviation Low Acting (d-LO) - Tracks Setpoint Value

Band Inside Acting


- Tracks Setpoint Value

Band Outside Acting (b-Ot)

- Tracks Setpoint Value

Timed Event Output (P-Ev)