Protected parameter mode 26, Pro tected pa ram e ter mode ref er ence ta ble 26, Protected parameter mode – Red Lion TSC User Manual
Page 28
The Protected Parameter Mode is accessed from the
normal display mode by pressing the PAR button with
program disable active. In this mode, the operator has
access to the list of the most commonly modified controller
parameters that have been “unlocked” in the configuration
parameter lockouts module. Depending on the code
number entered in the lockout module, access to the
unprotected parameter mode and hence, the configuration
parameter modules, is possible. The controller returns to
the normal display mode if the unprotected mode and
configuration modules cannot be accessed.
Range and Units
(Factory Setting Value)
Proportional Band
0.0 to 999.9% of selected
input range
0.0% is ON/OFF control. If = 0.0%, set control
hysteresis appropriately. This parameter does
not appear if locked (LOC).
Integral Time
0 to 9999 sec.
0 is off. This parameter does not appear if
proportional band = 0.0% or locked (LOC).
Derivative Time
0 to 9999 sec.
0 is off. This parameter does not appear if
proportional band = 0.0% or locked (LOC).
Alarm 1 value
-999 to 9999 or 0.1 degree
This parameter does not appear if the alarm
option is not installed, locked (LOC), or
configured as a timed event output.
Alarm 2 value
-999 to 9999 1 or 0.1 degree
This parameter does not appear if the alarm
option is not installed, the cooling option is
installed, locked (LOC), or configured as a
timed event output.
Access code to
unprotected mode
0 to 250
To gain access to unprotected mode, enter the
same value for Code as entered in parameter
lockouts. This parameter does not appear if
zero is entered in code parameter lockout.
Unit returns to
normal display
Brief display message display mode
Protected Parameter Mode Reference Table