Advance operation from the hidden mode 20, Advance operation via the rs-485 serial option 20, Pro file pause op er a tion 20 – Red Lion TSC User Manual
Page 22: Pause operation from the hidden mode 20, Pause operation using the user input 20, Pause operation via the rs-485 serial option 20, Pro file con tinue op er a tion 20
Advance Operation From The Hidden Mode
1. Verify profile access (PrAC) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout
2. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the
hidden mode.
3. Scroll to “Prun” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.
4. When “Prun” is displayed, use the “up/down” buttons to select
advance (Adnc).
5. Press the “PAR” button to advance the profile to the next phase.
6. The unit displays “End” in the secondary display and the profile
advances to the next phase. If a selection is not made within ten
seconds, no action is taken.
Advance Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option
A running profile can be advaced to the next phase via the serial
communications option. Transmit the unit address, command letter, the
value identifier and number via the serial port (see serial communication
section for details).
Shown below is a typical command string.
Advance the currently running profile of TSC unit 6 to the next phase.
Profile Pause Operation
The pause mode freezes the state of the profile. The controller maintains the
setpoint value at the instant the profile is placed into the pause mode. The profile
must have a continue operation performed to resume the profile operation.
Pause Operation From The Profile Control Status Display
1. Verify the profile control status display (P-CS) is enabled in lockout
2. Press and hold the “down” button for three seconds.
3. “PAUS” appears in the secondary display and the profile is placed in
the pause mode.
Pause Operation From The Hidden Mode
1. Verify profile access (PrAC) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout
2. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the
hidden mode.
3. Scroll to “Prun” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.
4. When “Prun” is displayed, use the “up/down” buttons to select pause
5. Press the “PAR” button to pause the profile.
6. The unit displays “End” in the secondary display and the profile is
paused. If a selection is not made within ten seconds, no action is taken.
Pause Operation Using The User Input
The user input can pause a running profile.
User Input Selected For Run/Pause (P1rH):
A low level at terminal # 7 pauses a profile that is running.
Note: Refer to input module 1, user input section, for more details.
Pause Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option
A profile can be paused via the serial communications option. Transmit the
unit address, command letter, with the value identifier and number via the
serial port (see serial communication section for details).
Shown below is a typical command string.
Pause the currently running profile of TSC unit 6.
Profile Continue Operation
The continue operation resumes operation of a profile that is in the pause
mode. The continue operation places the profile back into the run mode. The
profile resumes normal execution from the point where it was paused.
Continue Operation From The Profile Control Status Display
1. Verify the profile control status display (P-CS) is enabled in lockout
2. Profile must be in the pause mode.
3. Press and hold the “up” button for three seconds.
4. “Cont” appears in the secondary display and the profile is placed into
the run mode.