Continue operation from the hidden mode 21, Continue operation using the user input 21, Continue operation via the rs-485 serial option 21 – Red Lion TSC User Manual

Page 23: Re set event out puts op er a tion 21, Reset a timed event output using the user input 21

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Continue Operation From The Hidden Mode

1. Verify profile access (PrAC) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout


2. Unit must be in the pause mode.

3. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the

hidden mode.

4. Scroll to “Prun” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.

5. When “Prun” is displayed, use the “up/down” buttons to select

continue (Cont).

6. Press the “PAR” button to continue the profile.

7. The unit displays “End” in the secondary display and the profile resumes

to run. If a selection is not made within ten seconds, no action is taken.

Continue Operation Using The User Input

The user input can continue a paused profile.

User Input Selected For Run/Pause (P1rH):

A high level continues the profile.

Note: Refer to input module 1, user input section, for more details.

Continue Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option

A paused profile can be continued via the serial communications option.

Transmit the unit address, command letter, with the value identifier and

number via the serial port (see serial communication section, for details).

Shown below is a typical command string.

Continue profile 2 of TSC unit 6.


Reset Event Outputs Operation

The Timed Event Output(s) may be manually reset to the “Off” state at any

time during profile execution. Once reset, the outputs remain reset until the

profile advances to the next phase and updates the event output states.
Reset Timed Event Output(s) From The Hidden Mode

1. Verify alarm access (ALrS) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout


2. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the

hidden mode.

3. Scroll to “ALrS” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.

4. Press the “up” button to reset event output 1. Press the “down” button

to reset event output 2. An event output remains reset during phase

transitions if the buttons are held.

5. The “up” or “down” button must be pressed within ten seconds to reset

an event output. If an output is not reset within ten seconds, no action

is taken.

Reset A Timed Event Output Using The User Input

The user input can reset the timed event outputs.

Note: The reset operation via the user input resets “Both” AL1 and AL2,

independent of their operation as an alarm or event output.

User Input Selected For Alarm Reset (ALrs):

A low level resets the timed event outputs. As long as the input is held

low, the output(s) remain reset.

Note: Refer to input module 1, user input section, for more details.

Reset A Timed Event Output Via RS-485 Serial Option

A timed event output can be reset via the serial communications option.

Transmit the unit address, command letter, with the value identifier via the

serial port (see serial communication section, for details).

Shown below is a typical command string.

Reset timed event output 2 of TSC unit 6.

