De lay mode 17 – Red Lion TSC User Manual
Page 19

Delay Mode
The Delay Mode signifies that a profile is active but the time base, or profile
advancement is stopped. This is caused by automatic action of the controller
when the input temperature deviates more than a specified amount from the
profile setpoint. The Delay Mode is similar to the pause mode, except the
delay mode is invoked automatically by the controller.
The Profile Deviation Error Band programmed for a positive value, allows
the Delay Mode to be invoked only during hold phases. A negative value
allows the delay mode to be invoked during “both” ramp and hold phases. The
profile automatically resumes when the process temperature is within the
prescribed error band value. The Delay Mode is indicated by “dEly” flashing
in the profile control status display and by a flashing decimal point in the upper
main display. The Delay Mode can be terminated manually by changing the
deviation error band value to a larger value or to zero for off. The new error
band value takes effect immediately.