Auto-tune damping code ( tcod ) 33 – Red Lion TSC User Manual
Page 35

Auto-Tune Damping Code (tcod)
Prior to invoking Auto-Tune, the damping code should be set to achieve the
desired damping level under PID control. When set to 0, this yields the fastest
process response with some overshoot. A setting of 4 yields the slowest
response with the least amount of overshoot. Damping codes of 0 or 1 are
recommended for most thermal processes.
Linear DC Analog Output (ANAS, ANLO, & ANHI) (Optional)
The Linear DC output can be programmed to transmit one of four controller
INP - Scaled input process value
OP - Percent output power
dEV - Process setpoint deviation
SP - Process setpoint value
With high and low digital scaling points, the range of the Linear DC output
can be set independent of the controller’s range.
ANLO (4 mA or 0 VDC) - -999 to 9999
ANHI (20 mA or 10 VDC) - -999 to 9999
This allows interfacing directly with chart recorders, remote indicators,
slave controllers, or linear power control units. The output is isolated from
input common and located on rear terminals #11 (OUT+) & #12 (OUT-).
When using the linear DC analog output for main control by assigning the DC
output for percent output power, the front panel indicator OP1 can be disabled
by setting the time proportioning cycle time equal to zero. This also disables
the main control output, OP1.
If transmitting the setpoint value, (for cascaded control with additional
controllers), the controller transmits the instantaneous ramping setpoint, not
the target value, when running a profile.
This also applies if the analog output is configured for process setpoint
deviation (dEV).
EX1.) Chart Record Process Display Value (0 to 10 VDC):
The process range is 300-700. Programming 300 for ANLO (0
VDC value) and 700 for ANHI (10 VDC value) yields full scale
deflection for a chart recorder (0 to 10 VDC). The 0 to 10 VDC
output is assigned to transmit the input process (ANAS = INP).
EX2.) Linear Control Output (4 to 20 mA):
A linear DC input power control unit is used for process control.
Programming 0.0% for ANLO (4 mA value) and +100.0% for
ANHI (20 mA value) configures the output. The 4-20 mA output is
assigned to transmit percent output power (ANAS = OP).
Note: Actual responses may vary depending on the
process, step changes, etc.