Parameter entry 23, Normal display mode 23, Setpoint value display 23 – Red Lion TSC User Manual
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The PAR button is used to select the desired parameter. To modify the
parameter setting use the UP and DOWN buttons, and then press PAR to enter
the new value, the controller progresses to the next parameter. In a
Configuration Parameter Module, pressing the DSP button causes the new
value to be rejected, the controller displays “End”, and returns to the Normal
Display Mode. For those parameters outside the Configuration Parameter
Modules, the new value takes effect and is committed into controller memory
WHILE the value is keyed in. The following is a list of these commonly
modified parameters:
Output Power
Output Power Offset
Proportional Band
Integral Time
Derivative Time
Alarm 1 Value
Alarm 2 Value
Note: While in a Configuration Parameter Module, all new parameters are
rejected and the old ones recalled if power is lost to the controller. If power
is removed while modifying ANY parameter, be certain to check the
parameter for the proper value.
In the normal display mode, the process temperature is always displayed in
the main display. By successively pressing the DSP button, one of five
parameters can be viewed in the secondary display:
Temperature Setpoint
% Output Power
Profile Control Status
Profile Phase Time Remaining
Display Temperature Units (°F or °C).
Each of these displays can be independently locked out from appearing or
from being modified by the user (see parameter lockout section).
Modifying A Secondary Display Parameter From The Front Panel
The controller must be in the normal display mode to modify any of the
secondary display parameters. Temperature units symbol indicates the
temperature scale (°F or °C) and cannot be modified from this mode. The other
four parameters can be modified when viewed in the secondary display (if not
locked). Pressing the DSP button scrolls through the secondary display
parameters. The following describes how these parameters can be modified
when viewed in secondary display.
Setpoint Value Display
Use the up and down arrow buttons to modify the setpoint value when
viewed (if not locked). If locked, the setpoint can be changed in the
unprotected or protected mode when “SP” is viewed, independent of viewing
in the secondary display. The setpoint value is constrained to the
programmable setpoint limit values (SPLO & SPHI, input module 1).
The profile setpoint value can be changed during profile operation to effect
immediate changes to the profile. If locked, the target setpoint value can be
changed when viewed in the protected mode. Permanent changes to the profile
setpoint value must be done in the profiles module (8-Pr). Changing the
setpoint value may cause the profile to enter the delay mode if the errror band
parameter is enabled.
The ramping setpoint value is displayed during ramp phases. Immediate
changes made to the ramping setpoint value do not alter the ramp rate, but
change the ramp time remaining to the next target setpoint level. This action
either lengthens or shortens the total time remaining. The phase time
remaining is effected the instant the setpoint value is changed.
The holding setpoint value is displayed during hold phases. A change to the
holding setpoint value causes the controller to immediately operate at the new
setpoint level. In addition, the next ramp phase begins ramping from the
modified setpoint value to the target setpoint value.