Output power display 24, Profile control status display 24, Profile phase time remaining display 24 – Red Lion TSC User Manual
Page 26

% Output Power Display
The % output power can only be changed when the unit is in the manual
mode. The annunciator %PW lights when viewed, then use the up and down
arrow buttons to modify the % output power (if not locked). If locked, the %
output power can be changed in the unprotected or protected mode when “OP”
is viewed, independent of viewing in the secondary display. The % output
power is not constrained to the programmable output power limit values
(OPLO & OPHI, output module 2).
Profile Control Status Display
The annunciator PGM lights when either the profile control status or the
phase time remaining is displayed. The profile control status indicates the
current mode of a profile. The table shows various displays for profile modes.
Profile Status
Profile is off. No profiles running.
Profile #1 is running and in ramp phase #1.
Profile #2 is running and in hold phase #8.
Profile #3 is running and in ramp phase #4.
Profile is Paused (PAUS flashes). Currently running
profile is in the pause mode.
Profile is Delayed (dEly flashes). Currently running
profile is in the delay mode.
The front panel buttons allow the operator to change the profile status. The
operation of a profile is controlled directly from the profile control status
display, if not locked (see controlling a profile section for details).
Profile Phase Time Remaining Display
The annunciator PGM lights when either the phase time remaining or the
profile control status is viewed. Use the up/down front panel buttons to change
the time remaining, if not locked. The ramp or hold phase time remaining can
be changed during profile operation to effect immediate changes to the profile.
Permanent changes to the profile must be done in the profiles module (8-Pr).
During ramp phases the display indicates the time remaining until the next
hold phase. If the time remaining is changed during a ramp phase, the
controller calculates a new, but temporary, ramp rate. The setpoint ramps at
the new ramp rate value to the next setpoint level. The new ramp rate may be at
a faster or slower rate depending on the direction that the time remaining was
changed. Changing the time remaining value to zero causes an immediate
advance to the next hold phase, unless the profile is in the pause mode. In this
case, when the profile is placed back into the run mode, the profile
immediately advances to the next hold phase.
During hold phases the display indicates time remaining until the next ramp
phase. Changes to the time remaining during a hold phase effect the duration
of the hold phase. A value of zero causes the profile to advance to the next
ramp phase unless the profile is in the pause mode.
Changing the time remaining effects the total run time of the profile. When
the profile is in the off mode, “0.0” minutes is displayed in the phase time
remaining display.