Vaisala PTU300 User Manual
Page 105

Chapter 4 _________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 103
Command FORM / will return the default output format. The default
output format depends on the device configuration.
>form /
P= 1013.2 hPa T= 31.1 'C RH= 38.3 %RH
To output reading including pressure, temperature and relative humidity:
>form 6.1 "P=" P " " U6 3.1 "T=" T " " U3 3.1 "RH=" RH " "
U4 \r \n
P= 1033.7 hPa T= 22.2 'C RH= 38.3 %RH
The default output format includes the average value of the measured
pressure (quantity P). If your PTU300 is equipped with two pressure
transducers, you can add the individual pressure readings from the
transducers to the output format (quantities P1 and P2):
>form 6.1 "P1=" P1 " " U6 6.1 "P2=" P2 " " U6 6.1 "P=" P "
" U6 3.1 "T=" T " " U3 3.1 "RH=" RH " " U4 \r \n
P1= 1008.9 hPa P2= 1009.1 hPa P= 1009.0 hPa T= 23.9 'C RH=
34.5 %RH
Other examples:
>form "RH=" 4.2 rh U5 #t "T=" t U3 #r #n
>RH= 14.98%RH T= 74.68'F
>form "Tfrost=" tdf U3 #t "Temp=" t U3 #r#n
>Tfrost= 36.0'C Temp= 31.0'C