Smart tiers z workflow – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 99

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In the Task Name text box, enter the task name.

You can enter up to 32 ASCII characters and symbols, with the exception of: \ / : , ; * ? "
< > |. The value "date-window name" is entered by default.


Click Apply.

If the Go to tasks window for status check box is selected, the Tasks window appears.

Smart Tiers Z workflow

The following diagram shows the flow of work for a Storage Administrator to set up Smart Tiers Z
on the storage system.

As shown in the diagram, Remote Web Console and RAID Manager have different workflows.
The details about how to set up Smart Tiers using Remote Web Console are covered in subsequent
topics. For details about how to set up Smart Tiers Z using RAID Manager, see the HP XP P9000
RAID Manager Reference Guide
and HP XP P9000 RAID Manager User Guide. Use Remote Web
Console to create pools and THP V-VOLs.

Smart Tiers Z