Key terms, Before you begin, Key terms before you begin – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 18: System requirements

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Key terms

The following are provisioning key terms:



Security function used to control the access to a logical volume. Access attributes are
assigned to each volume: read only, read/write, and protect.

access attributes

Customized Volume. A fixed volume that is divided into arbitrary sizes.

CV (variable volume)

Security option used to allow or not allow changing of the access attribute on a volume.

expiration lock

Abbreviation for fixed-sized volume.


A resource group in which additional resources (other than external volumes) and the
resources existing before installing Resource Partition belong.


In Thin Provisioning Z, a page is 38 MB of continuous storage in a THP V-VOL that
belongs to a THP-pool.


A set of volumes that are reserved for storing Thin Provisioning Z, Fast Snap, or Snapshot
write data.


In a thin provisioned storage system, the proportion (%) of used capacity of the pool to
the total pool capacity. Each pool has its own pool threshold values for warning and

pool threshold

A volume that is reserved for storing written data for Thin Provisioning Z.

pool-VOL, pool volume

A group that is assigned one or more resources of the storage system. The resources that
can be assigned to the resource group are LDEV IDs, parity groups, external volumes,
and ports.

resource group

In a thin provisioned storage system, the proportion (%) of total THP-VOL capacity
associated with the pool versus the total capacity.

subscription threshold

You can set the percentage of THP-VOL capacity that can be created to the total capacity
of the pool. This can help prevent THP-VOL blocking caused by a full pool.

For example, when the subscription limit is set to 100%, the total THP-VOL capacity that
can be created is obtained using this formula:

total THP-VOL capacity <= pool capacity x 100%

Using this setting protects the pool when doing the following:

Shrinking a pool

Creating THP-VOLs

Increasing THP-VOL capacity

A virtual device in the storage system. A VDEV is a group of logical volumes (LDEVs) in
a parity group. One parity group consists of multiple VDEVs. A VDEV usually includes


some fixed volumes (FVs) and some free spaces. The number of FVs is determined by
the emulation type.

Before you begin

Before you begin provisioning your P9500 storage system, certain requirements must be met.

System requirements

The P9500 hardware, microcode, and Remote Web Console essential for operating the
storage system be installed and configured for use.

A P9500 storage system.

The storage system must have parity groups installed.


Introduction to provisioning