Smart tiers z, About tiered storage – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 63

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If you delete a pool, its pool-VOLs (LDEVs) will be blocked. Blocked volumes should

be formatted before use.


When data migration is done on a file-by-file basis, perform the operation to reclaim

zero pages if necessary. In the case of a volume copy or the physical copy, the operation to reclaim
zero pages is unnecessary.

To restore the backup data:

Restore the V-VOL data.


Perform the operation to reclaim zero pages.

Perform the above procedure for each V-VOL.

Smart Tiers Z

About tiered storage

In a tiered storage environment, storage tiers can be configured to accommodate different categories
of data. A tier is a group of storage media (pool volumes) in a THP pool. Tiers are determined by
a single storage media type. A storage tier can be one type of data drive, including SSD, SAS,
SATA, or external volumes. Media of high-speed performance make up the upper tiers. Media of
low-speed response become the lower tiers. Up to a maximum of three tiers can coexist in each
Smart Tiers pool.

Categories of data may be based on levels of protection needed, performance requirements,
frequency of use, and other considerations. Using different types of storage tiers helps reduce
storage costs and improve performance.

Because assigning data to particular media may be an ongoing and complex activity, Smart Tiers
software automatically manages the process based on user-defined policies.

As an example of the additional implementation of tiered storage, tier 1 data (such as mission-critical
or recently accessed data) might be stored on expensive and high-quality media such as
double-parity RAIDs (redundant arrays of independent disks). Tier 2 data (such as financial or
seldom-used data) might be stored on less expensive storage media.

Smart Tiers Z