Working with pools, About pools – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
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Select the Buffer Space for Tier relocation check box.
In the Buffer Space for Tier relocation text box, enter an integer value from 2 to 40 as the
percentage (%) to set for each tier.
Click Finish.
The Confirm window appears.
In the Task Name text box, enter the task name.
You can enter up to 32 ASCII characters and symbols in all, except for \ / : , ; * ? " < > |.
The value "date-window name" is entered by default.
In the Confirm window, click Apply to register the setting in the task.
If the Go to tasks window for status check box is selected, the Tasks window appears.
Changing a pool for Smart Tiers Z to a pool for Thin Provisioning Z
You can change a Smart Tiers Z pool to a Thin Provisioning Z pool. However, you cannot change
the pool status of Smart Tiers Z to disable in the following cases:
Tier relocation is being executed manually.
Pool-VOLs are being deleted.
Zero pages are being reclaimed.
In the Storage Systems tree on the left pane of the top window, select Pool.
The pool name appears below Pool.
Select a pool that is changed from a pool for Smart Tiers Z to a pool for Thin Provisioning Z.
The pool information appears.
Click More Actions to select Edit Pool.
The Edit Pool window appears.
Check Smart Pool and select Disable from the Smart Pool option.
Click Finish.
The Confirm window appears.
In the Task Name text box, enter the task name.
You can enter up to 32 ASCII characters and symbols in all, except for \ / : , ; * ? " < > |.
The value "date-window name" is entered by default.
In the Confirm window, click Apply to register the setting in the task.
If the Go to tasks window for status check box is selected, the Tasks window appears.
Working with pools
About pools
Thin Provisioning Z requires the use of pools. A pool consists of more than one pool-VOL. A storage
system supports up to 128 pools, each of which can contain up to 1024 pool-VOLs and 63,232
THP V-VOLs per pool. The pool for Thin Provisioning Z or Snapshot cannot be used in conjunction
with other pools.
Changing a pool for Smart Tiers Z to a pool for Thin Provisioning Z 107