Filtering the event browser, Figure 20 filter events dialog, Saving the event browser to a file – HP M-series HA-Fabric Manager Software User Manual

Page 47: 20 filter events dialog

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McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide


Filtering the Event Browser

Filtering the Event Browser enables you to display only those events that are of interest based on the event
severity, timestamp, source, type, and description. Select

Filter > Filter Entries in the Events Browser window

to open the Filter Events dialog shown in

Figure 20

. The Event Browser displays those events that meet all of

the criteria in the Filter Events dialog. If the filtering criteria is cleared or changed, then all the events that
were previously hidden that satisfy the new criteria will be shown.

You can filter the event browser the following ways:

Severity—Select one or more of the corresponding options to display alarm events, critical events,
warning events, or informative events.

Date/Time—Select one or both of the

From: and To: options. Enter the bounding timestamps

(MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss aa) to display only those events that fall within those times. ("aa" indicates AM
or PM.) The current year (yy) can be entered as either 2 or 4 digits. For example, 12/12/03 will be
interpreted December 12, 2003.

Text—Select one or more of the corresponding options and enter a text string (case sensitive) for event
source, type, and description. The Event Browser displays only those events that satisfy all of the search
specifications for the

Source, Type, and Description text.

Figure 20

Filter Events dialog

Saving the Event Browser to a file

You can save the displayed Event Browser entries to a file. Filtering affects the save operation, because only
displayed events are saved. To save the Event Browser to a file, perform the following procedure:


Filter and sort the Event Browser to obtain the desired display. See ”

Filtering the Event Browser

” on

page 47 and

Sorting the Event Browser

” on page 46 for more information.



File > Save As.


Select a pathname to which to save the event log and click

Save. The file can be saved in XML, CSV, or

text format. XML files can be opened with an internet browser or text editor. CSV files can be opened
with most spreadsheet applications.

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