8 use the query workbench, The query workbench at a glance, The query – HP Neoview Release 2.5 Software User Manual

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8 Use the Query Workbench

Query Workbench Pane in NPA = Neoview Query Workbench

Use the Query Workbench pane to analyze queries. Query Workbench is mostly the same as the
standalone tool Neoview Query Workbench, except as noted in this document.

The Query Workbench At a Glance

The Query Workbench pane contains several boxes:

Query List

shows a listing of queries you selected and loaded to the Query Workbench from

the Triage Space. For more information, see

“Query List Box” (page 92)


Query Workbench Pane in NPA = Neoview Query Workbench